Learning Communities
Bringing together out-of-school-time programs to create healthy changes
Understanding and Utilizing Learning Communities
The goal of OSNAP is to support policy and practice strategies that promote nutrition and physical activity in out-of-school-time settings. OSNAP Learning Communities work by bringing together afterschool providers to share and learn from one another and set goals to promote health in their programs. In the OSNAP Learning Communities, participants develop knowledge and skills to promote physical activity and healthy snacks, share barriers and successes, and create action plans in program teams. Learning Communities are typically held over the course of one school year with several afterschool programs in a city or region.
The OSNAP Implementation Guide provides step-by-step instructions of the OSNAP model, including guidance for coordinators recruiting programs to participate in OSNAP. The OSNAP Train-the-trainer Module is a slide deck designed to train facilitators to deliver the OSNAP Learning Communities.
Download the OSNAP Implementation Guide (PDF) ⇢
Download the OSNAP Facilitator Train-the-Trainer Module (PDF) ⇢
The OSNAP Facilitator’s Handbook provides guidance for delivering each OSNAP Learning Community session.

Program Recruitment
Our recruitment materials are designed to make getting started with OSNAP easy. A sample letter, 1 page overview, registration form, and memorandum of understanding (MOU) can be used for outreach to afterschool programs.
OSNAP Recruitment LetterA sample recruitment letter for programs to participate in OSNAP Learning CommunityOSNAP Overview 1-PagerA one-pager overview describing the OSNAP Initiative to support program outreachOSNAP Registration FormA sample form for programs to participate in an OSNAP Learning CommunityOSNAP Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)Template outlining the activities and expectations for participating in OSNAP -
Learning Community Implementation
Each Learning Community session uses a slide deck to guide learning and sharing. Email templates support communications with programs throughout the year.
Learning Community Attendance SheetTemplate to track participant attendance at learning community sessionsFood & Fun PowerPoint (Part 1)Slide deck for a Food & Fun After School curriculum training sessionLearning Community 1 PowerPointSlide deck to guide learning and sharing for Learning Community 1Learning Community 2 PowerPointSlide deck to guide learning and sharing for Learning Community 2Learning Community 3 PowerPointSlide deck to guide learning and sharing for Learning Community 3OSNAP Innovation Proposal TemplateTemplate to request funding to help meet the OSNAP goalsOSNAP Innovation Proposal SampleA sample innovation proposal from a program to request funding to meet OSNAP goalLearning Community Email TemplatesEmail invitation and reminder templates to participate in the Learning Community meetings -
Learning Community Evaluations
It is important to gather feedback from participants on the usefulness of the OSNAP sessions. Use these evaluations after each session to gather anonymous input. They can also be used as evaluations required for CEUs.
Learning Community 1 Evaluation FormTemplate evaluation form to assess Learning Community Session 1Learning Community 2 Evaluation FormTemplate evaluation form to assess Learning Community Session 2Learning Community 3 Evaluation FormTemplate evaluation form to assess Learning Community Session 3Food & Fun Training Evaluation FormTemplate to evaluate the Food & Fun training session -
Fidelity Checklists
It is important to assess the success of the OSNAP sessions. Complete these checklists after each session to ensure you cover each meeting objective and facilitate discussions effectiveness. For any areas you missed, think about how to improve next time.
Learning Community 1 Fidelity ChecklistA checklist for facilitators to assess their delivery of Learning Community 1Learning Community 2 Fidelity ChecklistA checklist for facilitators to assess their delivery of Learning Community 2Learning Community 3 Fidelity ChecklistA checklist for facilitators to assess their delivery of Learning Community 3
We see clearly that the OSNAP program, with its training, guidelines and resources, has empowered our clubs to support healthier practices for all our members and staff.
Boys and Girls Club Staff
We see clearly that the OSNAP program, with its training, guidelines and resources, has empowered our clubs to support healthier practices for all our members and staff.
Boys and Girls Club Staff