Goals Overview
The OSNAP goals for nutrition and physical activity aim to help program leaders create healthier out-of-school environments for children.
Goals for nutrition and physical activity in out-of-school time programs
The OSNAP goals for nutrition and physical activity aim to help program leaders create healthier out-of-school environments for children. They are based on current scientific evidence about healthy eating and physical activity and have been developed for out-of-school settings like sport programs and afterschool programs and can easily be modified for full-day programs like summer camps.
These goals are also available in a poster format for download.

Increase Physical Activity
Provide all children with at least 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity every day. Offer 20 minutes of vigorous physical activity 3 times per week.
Provide all children with at least 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity every day. Offer 20 minutes of vigorous physical activity 3 times per week.
Children need at least 60 minutes of physical activity each day, and they should participate in vigorous activity on at least 3 days per week. Out-of-school programs should provide all children with at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity every day. Offer at least 20 minutes of vigorous physical activity on 3 or more days per week.
Childhood is a crucial period for developing lifelong movement skills and healthy habits. Providing children with physical activity will help them build a foundation for overall health and well-being which can prevent the development of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and osteoporosis.
- Schedule at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day.
- Use short activity breaks if you can’t plan for 30 minutes all at once.
- Convert cafeteria or classroom areas for dance or fitness if space is limited.
Reduce Sugary Drinks
Do not serve sugary drinks. Do not allow sugary drinks to be brought in during program time.
Do not serve sugary drinks. Do not allow sugary drinks to be brought in during program time.
Children often replace healthy drinks like water or milk with sugary drinks like soda, sports drinks, and fruit drinks.
Fruit juice, even 100% fruit juice, contains as much sugar as soda. Fruit juice is not as healthy as eating whole fruits, which also contain fiber.
Drinking too many sugar-sweetened drinks can lead to dental cavities and may increase the risk of chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease.
- Offer water instead of sugary drinks every day.
- Prevent vending-machine use during program time by setting a policy in your parent and staff handbook.
- Restrict children, staff, or other partner organizations from bringing drinks in from outside of the program.
- If you do serve 100% juice, limit servings to 4 ounces per day.
Promote Water
Serve water every day
Serve water every day
Water is the best drink for children in out-of-school-time programs. It is calorie-free, hydrating, and low-cost!
Replacing caloric beverages with water at snack time and meals saves money and is an easy way to eliminate calories from sugary drinks.
- Serve tap water – it costs only pennies!
- Provide water in a pitcher with cups at the snack/meal table every day.
- Teach kids to drink water whenever they are thirsty.
Promote Fruits & Vegetables
Offer a fruit and/or vegetable option at every meal and snack.
Offer a fruit and/or vegetable option at every meal and snack.
Many children (and adults!) eat much less than the recommended 5 or more servings of fruits and vegetables each day. Most U.S. children only eat about 2 1/2 servings per day.
100% fruit juice is not a good substitute for whole fruit because juice does not contain fiber.
Fruits and vegetables are packed with lots of vitamins and nutrients. They are also a great source of fiber, which helps you feel full. They protect against heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, and some cancers.
- Use taste tests to learn kids’ preferences and to find new fruits and vegetables that kids like.
- Cut and peel fruits and vegetables before serving so they are easier to eat.
Promote Whole Grains
When serving grains (like bread, crackers, and cereals), serve whole grains.
When serving grains (like bread, crackers, and cereals), serve whole grains.
When serving grains (like bread, crackers, and cereal), serve whole grains! Read the nutrition labels and choose foods that list a whole grain first, like whole wheat, barley, oats, or rye.
Whole grains contain fiber, vitamin E, and healthy fats. They help keep your blood sugar under control, arteries clear, and make you feel full longer. Refined “white” flour and sugar do not have the health benefits of whole grains.
- Select breads, crackers, and, cereals that list a whole grain as the first ingredient on the label (for example, whole wheat, barley, oats, or rye).
- Select foods containing at least 3 grams of fiber and 5 grams of sugar or less per serving.
Reduce Screen Time
Eliminate broadcast and cable TV and movies. Limit computer and digital device use to homework or instructional time.
Eliminate broadcast and cable TV and movies. Limit computer and digital device use to homework or instructional time.
Every day, 8- to 18-year-olds spend more than 5 hours on screen entertainment. Too much screen time is linked to unwelcome health harms.
Watching TV may also influence children to make unhealthy food choices because they see a lot of advertisements for foods that are high in sugars and calories.
Eliminate broadcast and cable TV and movies, and limit digital device time to only less than 1 hour for kids 2-5 years of age and 2 hours for kids 6-17 years of age each day.
- Remove TVs or cover them with a cloth so they can’t be seen.
- Try new indoor games or an arts and crafts project if weather limits outdoor playtime.
- Have a list of additional activities that children can do instead of having free time on the internet.