Resource Library
A curated collection of tools, tips, training, and guides to help achieve your program’s goals.
All Resources
This section includes materials developed by the OSNAP team, as well as helpful resources from other organizations, to assist you in offering children opportunities to be physically active and eat healthy during afterschool time.
Training Materials
5-Step Approach to Implementing & Sustaining Nutrition & Physical Activity Change
Use this worksheet to help brainstorm ways to make your program changes long-term and to spread changes within your larger organization.
Training Materials
Interview and Hiring Guide
Includes tips, job description, and interview questions to find best candidates to hire
Training Materials
OSNAP Facilitator Train-the-Trainer Module
A train-the-trainer-style PowerPoint presentation designed to train facilitators to lead OSNAP Learning Communities
Training Materials
OSNAP Implementation Guide
A step-by-step guide to help implement the OSNAP initiative
Training Materials
OSNAP Policy Assessment Report
A tool to evaluate and track your program's policies for nutrition, physical activity, and screen time.
Training Materials
OSNAP Practice Assessment Report
A tool to evaluate your program's nutrition, physical activity, and screen time practices
Training Materials
Sample Family Letters
Sample letters to communicate nutrition, physical activity, and screen time policies to families
Food & Fun Afterschool
Partner Letter Template: Screen Time Policies
A sample letter to communicate screen time policies to afterschool partners
Food & Fun Afterschool
Partner Letter Template: Snack Policies
A sample letter to communicate snack policies to afterschool partners
Training Materials
Water Pitcher Sanitation Guidelines
Guidelines to keep water pitchers clean and santized
Training Materials
Sample Snack Menu
Sample monthly menu for serving snacks that meet the OSNAP goals
Training Materials
Working With Food Service Guide
A guide for collaborating with school food service to improve out of school time snacks and meals
Training Materials
Sample Afterschool Schedules (Combined Physical Activity)
Sample schedule for how other programs incorporated 30 minutes of physical activity each day using physical activity blocks
Training Materials
Sample Afterschool Schedule (with Physical Activity Breaks)
Sample schedule for how other programs incorporated 30 minutes of physical activity each day using short physical activity breaks
Fast Maps
Eliminating Sugary Drinks
Identify action steps to promote healthy beverages every day