OSNAP Glossary of Terms

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Physical activity is any activity more than sitting or standing (includes activities such as walking, stretching, running, throwing, etc.).

Vigorous physical activity is any activity more than a walk (includes activities such as playground free play, jogging, swimming, etc.).

Groups of children are groups that are formally designated by the program, such as sites that break children into groups by age, grade, gender, etc., for activities. Questions that refer to groups of children do NOT mean smaller, more informal friend groups, etc.

Screen time includes time watching television and DVDs, using computers, and playing video games.

Commercial broadcast TV/movies is any screen time shown primarily for entertainment purposes; this includes shows or movies without commercials but shown for entertainment purposes.

Recreational computer use is time on the computer primarily for entertainment purposes. Any time on the internet is considered recreational computer use. In contrast, educational computer use is use of computers that emphasizes academics and formal instruction, such as games that promote acquisition of math skills or use of a word processing application to write a paper or story.

Sugary drinks include soda, sweetened ice teas, fruit punches, fruit drinks, sports drinks, sweetened water (e.g., vitamin water), and any juice greater than 4 ounces (a half a cup) in size.

Whole grains are foods that contain a whole grain as the first ingredient on the label. Examples of whole grains are whole wheat, whole corn, barley, oats, and rye.

Water served refers to water that is distributed as part of the program snack, either via pitchers, a cooler/Cambro in the snack area, or in bottles. This does NOT include water children drink from a water fountains or from coolers outside of the snack room/period.

Outside drinks and food are those items that are brought in from home, outside restaurants or convenience stores, purchased from vending machines on site, or distributed by program partners during activity outside of the snack period. This would include any food or drink that is not part of the afterschool snack program.